Related: 'His Compassions Never Fail'—50 Comforting Bible Verses About God's Love 11 ... Proverbs 31:25 She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.
Ask God to give us the courage to do anything that God tells us to do, whether we feel capable of accomplishing the task or not. How does Jesus’ attitude towards personal comfort compare with what the ...
What better reminder is there than the Bible to fill ourselves with the truth—that we are powerful, cherished and loved ...
May these Bible verses about courage inspire you to "be strong and courageous ... May you find rest as you call upon God, the only true source of strength in this world. We must remember we are made ...
Milo of Croton competed for worldy glory and fame. But, dear reader, do you have Milo’s perseverance and courage to run the ...
We all encounter situations that require more strength than we think we have. The Bible reminds us that when we are weak, God is strong! We can rely on Him to lift us up and keep us grounded. May ...
We see in Acts 5:17-32 that truth is always met with resistance. Last weekend, Pastor Russ Rathier dug into these verses to reveal to us that religious traditions of man ...