Springsteen had seen Fontayne perform with Lone Justice on Saturday Night Live years before, and was impressed. When the time ...
The electric guitar is a notorious loudmaker, synonymous with the ear-shattering walls of sound propagated by innumerable ...
The Australian singer-songwriter’s new live session demonstrates her continuing curiosity about dynamics, ambience and composing, as she admits she might be too comfortable with her Kurt Cobain Jag ...
It's as close to the original Small Clone as makes no difference and, best of all, should fit snugly onto your existing pedalboard." The original Boss Dimension C was a stereo chorus that had the ...
It’s easy to set up, sounds great, and at the time of writing, it costs less than its competitors in the Boss WL 50 and Line 6 Relay G10S whilst offering equally good performance. Aside from the lack ...
Clement is demanding a reaction from his players against Hearts on Sunday, live on Sky; they could fall 16 points behind Celtic in the Premiership before Sunday's 12pm kick-off; Rangers' hopes of ...
Tesla Board Chair Robyn Denholm has done extremely well for herself in the past year — largely by selling off most of her shares in the electric car company. She unloaded over 65% of her shares ...
Thank you for signing up! Did you know with a Digital Subscription to Edinburgh News, you can get unlimited access to the website including our premium content, as well as benefiting from fewer ...
The finest musicians to spring from the world of jazz have clearly had an advantage when it comes to branching into other genres of music. Their mastery of composition, arranging and sight reading ...
New bikes—more often than not—tend to come with basic, low-quality pedals that manufacturers expect you'll upgrade. For road bikes, many riders opt for clipless systems that attach your shoe ...