NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope captured the stunning image of Cartwheel Galaxy. This landscape of “mountains” and “valleys” speckled with glittering stars is actually the edge of a nearby, young, ...
In the turbulent heart of the Milky Way, near the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A*, astronomers have uncovered a ...
If our 13.8 billion-year-old cosmos could be considered middle-aged, researchers note these new images captured around its 380,000th birthday represent a snapshot of the universe as a newborn.
Scientists using two enormous telescopes — one on Earth and the other in space — have detected oxygen in the most ancient known galaxy, a star-scape beaming light just 300 million years after the Big ...
Astronomers have detected oxygen in the most distant galaxy ever found. It’s 13.4 billion light-years away from Earth, according to new research.
A NASA spacecraft far from Earth has made an unexpected discovery, after turning its instruments towards a dark patch of sky ...
"Light pollution from projects like INNA doesn't just hinder research, it steals our shared view of the universe." ...
For decades, the ΛCDM (Lambda Cold Dark Matter) cosmological model has been the cornerstone of our understanding of the ...
A new data release from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument is now available for researchers to explore. The collection ...
Euclid has two instruments: its visible light camera, VIS, and its near-infrared light camera, NISP. NISP allows Euclid to ...
New data further challenge the best scientific theory of the history and the structure of the universe. But a separate recent ...
Key TakeawaysThe Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument collaboration has publicly released the first 13 months of data from its main survey - a ...