The Ohel is the gravesite of the Chabad Lubavitcher Rebbe and attracts politicians like Donald Trump and NYC mayor Eric Adams ...
He described his deep connection to the Torah of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, zt"l, despite never having heard his voice. This is not surprising – many people connect to the Torah of our great commentator ...
Back then, there were no drones. But there were similar “invaders” who, wherever they flew and landed, elicited a sense of ...
Even in the New World, Chabad’s initial posture toward outsiders remained one of deep distrust, if not outright hostility.
The Rebbe says in The Sichos that Der Eibishter gives Chanukah Gelt. Since the Almighty keeps all Jewish customs. He grants us Chanukah gelt. The Rebbe in ...
New York City Council approved renaming a section of Crown Heights' President Street as "Lubavitcher Rebbe Way" to honor ...
Celebrations were held to mark the 40th anniversary of the Giant Menorah outside Golder's Green Station, organised by a Jewish organisation Chabad Golders Green.
Five Chabad rabbis erected the first public menorah in Philadelphia in 1974. Now, 50 years later, there are roughly 15,000 ...
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- Hanukkah was celebrated as part of an annual event in downtown Louisville on Sunday. Chabad of ...
On December 30, Clinton Square took in the festive atmosphere during the Menorah Lighting. This year Chabad is encouraging a ...