Three business expansion projects are receiving the Michigan Strategic Fund grant that will help create 129 jobs in Shiawassee, Van Buren, and Kalamazoo Counties.
ANN ARBOR, MI — Major public infrastructure improvements are coming to the Pittsfield Village neighborhood in Ann Arbor. A ...
Scott Pohl: At the end of this month, the Arts Council of Greater Lansing will complete a move out of its Old Town Lansing ...
More funding for the "darn" roads! Lansing Mayor and community members talk about state funding and how a new plan from House Republicans could improve more roads.
Three Metro Detroit villages and cities will receive funding to help fix the roads. 16 villages and cities across the state with less than 10,000 people will receive road funding grants for 2026—three ...
A $3.1 billion road funding plan from Republicans has passed through the Michigan state House but not without opposition ...
The Third Term Project, a Republican group that wants to change the constitution ... Napoleon Bonaparte woke up in the Kremlin to find the city on fire. The isolated blazes set by the retreating ...
The Republican-led House on Wednesday passed a $3.1 billion plan to boost road funding by earmarking existing tax revenue and ensuring that taxes paid at the pump go to roads and bridges.
Most recent closings and delays are listed here when there are active closures.