Rot, rust, and regret. A shovel with a rusted blade won’t slice cleanly into soil, a pruner with a corroded hinge will stick ...
H. Andrewes, of the National Institute for Medical Research, is an admirable summary of the essential features of our knowledge of that world-wide scourge, the common cold ; and nobody is better ...
We spoke to aviation experts to find out if it's ever too cold to fly. To find out whether ... at a cruising altitude of 39,000 feet, which is common with commercial air carriers, the outside ...
An arctic blast that brought a rare snowfall to northern Florida last week left green sea turtles as far south as St. Augustine suffering from a condition known as cold stunning ...
When you’re feeling awful because of a cold, you just want something to fix you—if not to cure you, at least to help you temporarily feel better. Unfortunately a lot of remedies are placebos ...
Mucus can increase significantly during an upper respiratory tract infection (URT)). When you get a common cold or some other URTI the body will respond by triggering inflammation. Inflammation is the ...
“I was married at 14, and I lost my first child at 16 during pregnancy,” Ranu Chakma said. Child marriage is common in her village of Teknaf Upazila, on the southern coast of Bangladesh, even though ...
While the main cause of a cold sore is a virus, specifically a virus in the herpesvirus family called herpes simplex virus, there are a few common triggers that can cause a cold sore to flare up ...
The province has spent days in an extended cold snap, with some areas recording temperatures below –40 C and wind chill making it feel more like –50 C. On Tuesday, the entire province ...