Degenerate Art,” an exhibition at the Musée Picasso in Paris on the Nazis’ persecution of modern artists, is about culture ...
More than a century ago, Pablo Picasso smashed the Sacre-Coeur Basilica in Paris into a web of tangled lines on his canvas, ...
In 1943, Pablo Picasso received a desperate letter ... Kosnick-Kloss was the life partner of Picasso’s friend Otto Freundlich. The two men had lived as neighbors in Montmartre, in the warren ...
Pablo Ruiz Picasso began being an artist at the age of prodigy—at about seven—and at seventy-five he remains the complete phenomenon he has been throughout the intervening years. The excesses ...
HONG KONG, March 15 — More than a century ago, Pablo Picasso smashed the Sacre-Coeur Basilica in Paris into a web of tangled lines on his canvas, deconstructing reality with the brushstrokes of a ...
Pics: Marivie Alabanza / The Peninsula Abouhaj explained that each symbol in her latest artwork tells a woman’s life story ... inspired by masters like Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, and Farid ...
Flamenco, tapas, paella and Picasso, beaches, Alhambra and La Sagrada Familia are some of one Spain is famous for. Find out ...
Philip Larkin, who hated artistic modernism with a passion that bordered on (or sometimes crossed the border into) rage, blamed the whole ghastly mess on the three Ps: Ezra Pound, Charlie Parker and ...
A painting by a mainland Chinese contemporary artist created by exploding gunpowder may seem an unlikely item for a Picasso ...