My home is my safe haven. The energy of the outside world drains me, and I don’t want that feeling inside my home. This ...
Introvert regards home as a safe haven, a refuge from the tiring energy of the outside world, and relatives refuse to accept that.
DEAR STUCK: If your husband would be happier at home with the baby (or alone), I think your idea of joining your parents and ...
DEAR ABBY: My wife and I went for our annual checkups ... it’s healthier to be with someone without depending on him? — HER “GEE-GEE” IN COLORADO DEAR “GEE-GEE”: This is not a one ...
DEAR ABBY: I have been married for 27 years. Most of them have been miserable. My husband has been a functioning alcoholic for more than 40 years. I consider his behavior emotionally abusive.
Dear Abby: When my niece walks into a room ... Is there a way to confront her without her or the family getting mad at me, or should I just keep “going home”? -- Hurting Ears in Oregon ...
DEAR ABBY: I am a troubled older man. I was married with three children, but I drank too much. My wife and I divorced after 20 years of marriage. We were both flawed. I have been remarried and ...
Dear Abby: I am a troubled older man ... Is there a way to confront her without her or the family getting mad at me, or should I just keep “going home”? — Hurting Ears in Oregon Dear ...
DEAR ABBY: I lost my husband in the middle of last summer. He had a long illness with strokes and Alzheimer’s, and he was horrible to me. Out of our entire 40 years of marriage, we had only four ...
DEAR ABBY: I am married with two children, 6 and 4. I love them and my wife. When I met her, I knew she was a little messy. I am neat, tidy and generally organized. Over time, her behavior ...
Dear Abby: My wife died five years ago. I waited for four years before getting back in the dating scene. My girlfriend was divorced six years ago. Her ex-husband lives in a different state.
Dear Abby: I find myself increasingly less patient with my oldest brother and older sister. They lie incessantly about things they have accomplished, always making themselves out to be the best.