A John Hopkins study of nearly 90,000 adults showed as little as 35 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per ...
Epidemiologist Dr Amal Wanigatunga from the Johns Hopkins Center on Aging and Health says a study of nearly 90,000 adults showed as little as 35 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per ...
Just 5 minutes of this simple exercise can significantly lower your dementia risk. Discover the science behind it and how to ...
With genetic testing, we know more than ever about this devastating disease—but genes are only one part of the story.
If you're providing at-home dementia care for a parent or a loved one, these tips will make this difficult role easier.
In the early stages of dementia these changes can be very subtle, but over time they get worse and become more noticeable. Symptoms begin to have an impact on a person’s everyday life, making daily ...
The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America is encouraging caregiver to follow the I.R.I.S.H. tip to help loved ones celebrate St.
As dementia diagnoses and the demand for care increase, more nursing home operators are trying to take a bite of the memory care apple.
Competing realities can be a major source of distress for those with dementia and some ways of responding are more effective than others.
A new study published in JAMA Network Open found a connection between dementia risk and seven heart-healthy habits. Habits ...
I encourage all of my patients to make adjustments and incorporate habits in their daily lives for better brain health,” says ...
The study found that there was 69% reduction in dementia risk among the people who did 140 minutes or more of physical activity per week. The NHS recommends that adults aged 19 to 64 should do 150 ...