This app developer is bucking the remote work trend with an office expansion as Downtown Raleigh gets a boost.
HCLTech, sometime between the end of 2022 and 2023, got a sign put near the top of the 25-story building.
The Ypsilanti library's branch on Michigan Avenue has been transformed since flooding dealt significant damage to the ...
A business complex in San Ramon is learning to adapt to the changing environment of a post-COVID world, pivoting to providing ...
Have landlords turned a corner after years of mostly empty offices? City Center Group, which is downtown Allentown’s largest ...
A new sports and entertainment district called Westcourt Orlando is set to break ground later this year in downtown Orlando, ...
The economic development lost as a result of state employee telework policies is significant and something that we believe ...
Related Ross broke ground on a new office complex at CityPlace as officials shared details for Eataly, bigger Publix.
The final beam has been placed for the $500 million North Office renovation in Milwaukee. The company expects workers to ...
Construction crews in March placed the final steel beam on the Northwestern Mutual North Office building in downtown ...
Given the uncertain future of the flagship Neiman Marcus, Ken Downing, Shelle Bagot Sills, Sandy Marple, and other longtime ...