Looks like Ferrari has submitted a patent design for a new V12 that uses oval-shaped pistons. Pistons, as you're probably aware, are famously not oval. By giving the once-circular internals flat sides ...
The engine is the heart of any car. Check out which car brands have earned a reputation for building the most reliable ...
Although Ferrari’s patent only specifies the engine would have at least two cylinders, one of the drawings shows a V12. The ...
Ferrari has always been on the cutting edge of engine technology, but this latest patent is for something even Enzo would ...
Some cars had the looks, handling, and appeal but were let down by bad engines. Whether unreliable or underpowered, they fell ...
The new VNR is available in five cab configurations, ranging from straight truck to daycab and two sleeper sizes.
The thing that made the LS so great was its versatility, while the LT brings incredible power and technological marvels to ...
SMOH LEFT: 785 Hrs, RIGHT: 684 Hrs, SPOH LEFT: 568 Hrs, May 31, 2016, Hartzell HCE-3yR-2 ATF, RIGHT: 684 Hrs, May 17, 2017, Hartzell HC-E3YR-2RLTF, De-icing, Gem 1200 Engine Monitor, ACK 406 MHz ELT, ...
Have a question you’d like answered on Piston Slap? Send your queries to pistonslap@hagerty.com—give us as much detail as possible so we can help! Keep in mind this is a weekly column, so if you need ...