"When he turned 50 I took him to Hawaii," his wife wrote on social media. "Maybe I'm just being hypersensitive." ...
The best pink gifts for your mum or anyone who really loves pink, from your best friend, sister, girlfriend or wife. Girly, ...
She’s among a cohort of women who are rethinking how they travel, shedding the old checklist routine and embracing journeys ...
You could even throw in a beautiful book celebrating women’s achievements or one that encourages personal growth. This gift promotes relaxation and says, “Take time for yourself,” which ...
SARA (Support, Acceptance, Resources, Action) for Women was launched in Mission, B.C. in 1975, when a handful of women having a conversation around a kitchen table spawned an idea. Its two ...
Explore the best Women's Day gift ideas and make the women of your life feel special. A gratitude journal is a thoughtful gift that promotes self-reflection, mindfulness, and positivity.
We kept this sentiment in mind to select 29 of our favorite International Women’s Day gift ideas, all intended to encourage, acknowledge and celebrate your recipient.
Whether she’s a party animal or homebody, you’ll find some gift inspiration for her here. And to make things even easier, I’ve organized my ideas by price, and made sure everything can ...
Kim Get it from Amazon for $14 (available in eight scents). 3. A pickleball set with two paddles, two balls, a net bag, AND a Little Women-worthy pair of patterns so darn darling your birthday bud may ...
Whether it’s an expertly crafted handbag or a beauty serum that works like a magic potion, every woman deserves to experience the joys of unwrapping a luxury gift this season. Just because it ...
Next year, United Methodist women will be celebrating the 50th year since they first received rights as full clergy members of the church. However, according to the coordinator of the 2006 ...