The planes scooped water from a few locations, including the Intracoastal Waterway, according to Doug Wood with the Forestry Commission. The 275-acre fire started between 1:45 and 2 p.m. on Monday ...
The state brought in two super scooper planes to assist with the fire response. One of the pilots talks about what it's like ...
It looks like no other plane in the world. Narrator: The CL-415 Enhanced Aerial Firefighter can scoop and drop 1,400 gallons of water on wildfires in a matter of minutes. Compare that to this ...
to scoop in about 10 to 12 seconds and depending on the distance of the fire from the water source, one plane can drop hundreds of thousands of gallons of water in a day. It takes about four hours ...
Two aerial firefighting planes the Oklahoma Forest Service called in from a company based in Montana lent a hand tackling a wildfire in Logan County on Monday.
Oklahoma's Monday wildfire outbreak challenged state firefighting personnel's strained resources and manpower. In order to ...