TULSA, Okla. — Bridger Aerospace has their Super Scooper aircraft on standby to help fight the fires spread across Oklahoma.
Two super scooper planes were sitting on the tarmac in Burns Flat to be ready at a moment’s notice. The planes get their nickname from the ability to “scoop” up thousands of ...
Pitkin County may allow firefighting planes to refill their water tanks at the Aspen/Pitkin County Airport.
The Trump administration has kicked off a firing spree at the Federal Aviation Administration, despite four deadly plane crashes on ... on Friday and threatened to fire those unwilling to dismiss ...
The planes scooped water from a few locations, including the Intracoastal Waterway, according to Doug Wood with the Forestry Commission. The 275-acre fire started between 1:45 and 2 p.m. on Monday ...
“Marianas Mars”, “Hawaii Mars II” and “Caroline Mars”, it was converted to forest fire fighting aircraft by adding water tanks in the cargo bay with retractable pick-up scoop ...
A fire on an American Airlines plane after it diverted mid-flight and landed at Denver International Airport sent fleeing passengers to a wing amid billowing smoke.
Two Port Authority fire trucks raced toward the plane as it landed and extinguished the flames. A FedEx Boeing 767-3S2F engine caught fire shortly after taking off from Newark Airport Saturday ...
A FedEx plane with a fire in one of its wings made an emergency landing at Newark Liberty International Airport on Saturday morning. Here's the latest on the incident. A FedEx plane reportedly ...
“The fire was so hot that it was covering my face up.” Medics transported five people on board the single-engine Beechcraft Bonanza to area hospitals. “The fact that we have a plane crash ...