If there is one thing which breaks the monotony of life, which manifests differently each time, it would be love. Valluvar ...
You may not realize it, but the two seemingly separate viewpoints of our natural world provided by science and the Bible may ...
Buddhists approach inconsistencies in sacred texts with discernment, contextual understanding and an emphasis on the ...
Let me tell you about my Jesus.’ These were the words emblazoned on the black and white shirt worn by Zarah Ramsamy’s mother, ...
You can see it everywhere from the bestseller table at your local bookstore to the Darwin-mutated Jesus fish on the car in ... Don't just cough up Bible verses and expect that to convince anybody.
“California progressives don’t believe in leaving any fish or wildlife species behind ... 2:15) These foundational Bible verses furnish the basis for a biblical environmental ethic.
Matthew 21:23-27 is an example, when He talked with chief priests and elders, who ended up admitting, “‘We do not know.’” ...
In the middle of the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary’s white, sterile student center, one man sits alone at a round, ...
What is a physics teacher’s favorite Bible verse? Romans 8:39: “Neither height nor depth ... about to cut a hole in it when he hears a voice from above: “There are no fish here.” The fisherman is ...
In place of meat, Catholics often eat fish or other non-meat alternatives on Fridays in ... Lent can be a beautiful opportunity to reconnect and recommit to God. Bible Verses to Reflect on for Ash ...
THOMASVILLE- The Thomasville community is mourning the loss of beloved community member, Robert Charles Balfour III, who ...