Researchers have found that engaging in moderate to vigorous physical activity during leisure time, regardless of ...
Researchers have found that engaging in moderate to vigorous physical activity during leisure time, regardless of ...
Researchers have found that engaging in moderate to vigorous physical activity during leisure time, regardless of occupational physical activity, is associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.
Frederiksberg is primarily a residential and ... as well as Telia Parken (Denmark's national stadium) and Faelledparken (the largest park in the city). A few shops are also available on Langelinie ...
Lolland-Falsters årlige turistmagasin er netop udkommet i 2025-udgaven. Sidste år blev det revet væk. I år er det vokset både ...
The Danish government has announced plans to bolster its military by setting up a 50 billion-kroner ($7 billion) fund that it ...
The former reigning monarch of Denmark, Queen Margrethe announced during her New Year’s Eve address in 2023 that she was ...
Forbrydelsen er ifølge anklagemyndigheden så alvorlig, at Lars Phillip Comerford er tiltalt for hvidvask under særligt ...
Unfortunately, some of the facts are even more disturbing, than the fourth report from the IPCC, the cornerstone in the negotiations." "I am sure, that the results presented will increase awareness ...
Boligpriserne er nærmest kun gået op siden 2015. I én kommune var huspriserne dog lavere i januar end for ti år siden.
CYBER: Der er for meget silo-opdeling af den danske viden om cybersikkerhed. Det mener Industriens Fond, som nu samler alle ...
We earn a referral fee for some brokers & services we list on this page. Learn more... Denmark’s national debt includes any debts accrued by the local as well as the central government. The country ...