Epic Games does not just throw V-Bucks at players. Usually, if you want them, you gotta buy them. Fortnite has given away ...
To unlock Dupli-Kate for free in Fortnite, you need to fully complete the entire Spring Raid event by finishing a total of ...
If you purchased a couple of cosmetic items in the past, you may be eligible for the latest refund. One of these items is the ...
The Fortnite Dune skins have not been in the Item Shop for over 1,000 days, but a recent leak suggests they're coming back.
Clix, one of the most popular content creators in Fortnite, is finally getting his skin! Here are all the details, including ...
You can often find 20-year-old Lucas Desgrosellier sitting down with friends in his Spokane Valley pad, frantically yelling ...
Each week, you can download a free game -- sometimes even two -- and keep it forever. You may have heard of Fortnite, whether you're a gamer or your kids are fans. Its publisher, Epic Games ...
Loads of skins have been released since Fortnite first launched ... as well as any skins that could be unlocked for free during special events. Many of these were only available to unlock during ...
Fortnite has a lot of colllabs, but some end up out of the shop for quite a long stretch of time. Lately, the Fortnite Resident Evil skins have become some of these items. Having been missing from the ...
each blaster does feature vivid colors that could fit in with the styles we see in games like Fortnite or Overwatch. You can check out the full Nerf Loadout line in the gallery below. The Nerf ...
As such, here are the three official ways you can get free Fortnite skins: We all know how many skins you can get from the Battle Pass. So, if you have some bucks to spend, get the Crew subscription ...