What does this have to do with the Book of Genesis? Well, about 200 years ago ideas about millions of years of earth history ...
They called it the “monkey trial.” It was supposed to be a publicity stunt.A hundred years later, it is remembered as far ...
a lesson that asks students to repeat the phrase that starts the creation story in the Book of Genesis and an activity requesting that children remember the order in which the Bible says God ...
A strange snow fell on our city one March as I accompanied the sister of a recently deceased member of our Micah community to the campsite where her brother had ...
For creation awaits with eager expectation the revelation of the children of God ... The overpowering drama of the creation in the Book of Genesis continues to capture us, with its beauty ...
The accounts of the creation of man and woman in Genesis (Gen. 1:26-31 ... The Bible teaches that children are a blessing. God commanded our first parents to "Be fertile and multiply" (Gen.
That tradition, he affirmed, was the background for the creation story of Genesis, though it had been purged, naturally, for the purposes of the Hebrew monotheistic faith. Both of these challenges had ...
This is not a well known part of the early history of mankind after the creation ... him the story of Cain his uncle and how he killed his other uncle Abel and how the earth cried out. The Psalms ...