To say that Absolute Batman has been crushing it in its opening arc would be a massive understatement. Scott Snyder and Nick ...
Harley Quinn's been having some fun at the expense of Robert Pattinson's Batman. Her namesake show recently contained a little reference to The Batman, or more specifically, The Riddler's puzzles from ...
State Farm's Batman vs. Bateman advertisement featured a veteran MCU stunt performer as the titular Dark Knight.
Batman and the Bat-Family race to stop a mysterious killer stalking Gotham's young men in Detective Comics #1095, hitting ...
In one issue, Watters and Sherman set up an homage to Gareth Evans’ lauded action movie The Raid: Redemption, as Batman steps in to rescue a police officer held hostage somewhere in Bledin Towers’ 215 ...
While Absolute Batman's Selina Kyle has yet to appear as Catwoman, there are already promising signs that she'll be the ...