Jacqueline Moore Signed a 15-year Legends contract, which restricts him from appearing in other promotions. Armando Alejandro Estrada Hornswoggle signed a multi-year legends contract in October 2024.
He also worked some great encounters, particularly against Hornswoggle, with the two of them having great chemistry. El Torito always had his mask on throughout his time in WWE, but a backstage ...
The anonymous GM debuted in June 2010, chimed in for a year, and then just began to disappear. It was finally revealed in July 2012 that Hornswoggle was the anonymous GM. Though it didn't actually ...
El Torito is headed back to U.S. TV ... mask matches as well as a high profile mask vs. hair bout against Hornswoggle, Mascarita Dorada is an iconic luchador. One of the hallmarks of Lucha Libre is ...