Securities transaction tax (STT) is levied on the value of taxable securities transactions traded on recognised stock ...
If we want to find a potential multi-bagger, often there are underlying trends that can provide clues. Ideally, ...
“It may seem tedious, but failing to record every trade, swap or airdrop can lead to errors in calculating gains and losses — ...
The IRS 90-day rule offers crucial protection to taxpayers, providing a clear timeline and process for disputing tax ...
Investing in stocks, real estate, or collectibles can be highly rewarding.  However, when it comes time to sell those assets, any profit will trigger a ‘capital gains' tax.  It is important to ...
Converting your home to a rental could increase your taxes when you eventually sell the property. Here’s what to know.
The future of federal taxes and the IRS is unclear for many reasons under the second administration of President Donald Trump ...
Our panel of experts answers questions related to any aspect of personal finance. If you have a query, mail it to us right ...
Waiting to the last minute to file your taxes means either postponing your refund or leaving yourself little flexibility if ...
When you sell a home, you'll need to pay taxes on the amount of money you earned on the sale as capital gains. However, if you live in the home for two of the previous five years before selling, you ...
Early retirement isn’t exclusively for the rich. Many people, particularly followers of the FIRE movement – short for ...
What if a husband and wife own a home together that increases in value by $500,000. When one spouse dies and the other owns the property themselves, do they receive a step-up in basis? Or do they only ...