This latest development poses a renewed threat to the nearby pier of land-attached ice known as the Drygalski ice tongue. The sheer scale of B-15A is best appreciated from space.
Icebergs calving off the Petermann Glacier are not unusual. Petermann Glacier’s floating ice tongue is the Northern Hemisphere’s largest, and it has occasionally calved large icebergs.
A small crowd gathered to watch as a man was assisted in getting his tongue unstuck from an ice block at a busy shopping center in Sydney, Australia. Whether You Wear Underwear To Bed Or Sleep ...
The video, taken on a recent day off, shows Jordan walking through "one of the many glacial caves inside the Erebus Glacier Tongue," a unique and stunning ice formation that extends out from the ...
Scientists have developed artificial intelligence techniques to track the development of crevasses—or fractures—on the Thwaites Glacier Ice Tongue in west Antarctica. A team of scientists from ...