A newly discovered giant isopod has been named after Darth Vader of Star Wars, inspired by his iconic and distinctive helmet. The 32.5 cm-long sea bug, known as a 'supergiant' was found off the coast ...
Researchers exploring the wares of fishers in Vietnam discovered a “supergiant” sea bug species whose resemblance to Darth ...
In recent years, the deep-sea giant isopod has also become a seafood delicacy in Vietnam, where it was discovered ...
REAL ISOPOD HOURS AGAIN Video 3!! Still by Hooters, but not eating ...one this time LOL My buddy called me during a video today only to discover yet ANOTHER Ancient Alien while fishing with his sister ...
In Vietnam, a newly described giant isopod has become something of a seafood delicacy. It was named Bathynomus vaderi, in […] The post A New Crustacean With 14 Legs Has Been Named After Darth Vader ...
Most isopods are incredibly small ... vaderi are bottom dwellers that feed on dead animals, recycling nutrients as part of ...
Apart from the Darth Vader-like head, B vaderi has a pronounced depression in its hip bone and a distinctive bony ridge.
Isopods are an order of invertebrates belonging to the greater crustacean group of animals, like crabs and shrimp. Scientists estimate that there are around 10,000 species of isopods, coming in a ...