Paul McCartney already had fantastic singles in The Beatles, but a handful of them have become standards for the entire country rather than a catchy tune.
First Nations man Uncle John Dickson, married to Greek-Australian Aunty Liz, inspired attendees with his love for traditional Greek dancing and connection to Hellenic culture.
With 7:20 left in the game, Brady intercepted a pass from St. John’s Ber’Nyah Mayo and ran it downcourt on the breakaway. Brady passed to an open Ashlynn Shade on the other side of the basket.
Lennon unleashed all of his negative energy towards his former bandmate, Paul McCartney, on a song called “How Do You Sleep”. From the title alone, one could guess this track is a scathing ...
The BBC once banned The Beatles’ tune Come Together, a track from their iconic Abbey Road album, which was written due to John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s Vietnam War opposition bed-ins, when they ...
The influence of Dylan, evidently, presiding over the sudden transition. It impacted John Lennon most of all. There was always deepness to the bespectacled Beatle. His childhood had been pitted with ...
While John Lennon had more than a few of his lyrics etched into the minds of Beatles fans around the world, he knew that some songs weren’t intended to be as big as ‘Hey Jude’ or ‘A Day In the Life.’ ...
John Travolta, just like Olivia Newton-John, skyrocketed to fame following the release of the film musical Grease in 1978, the year after he danced his way across the big screen in Saturday Night ...
But while even well-regarded acts like John Lennon have had some albums that the critics ... now hearing him make strange epics like ‘Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey’ and ‘Dear Boy.’ If they managed to ...
But John Johnson was Hannah's uncle, and according to court documents and Hannah's attorney, he fathered four children with her and first got her pregnant when she was 18. Her own father ...