These fit comfortably on all-size boats, including kayaks. While smaller details may be harder to see, key structures and habitats will still stand out. Trolling motor compatibility will differ ...
But a common concern is: How do you calculate the endurance of a 12V 100Ah battery powering a trolling motor? This isn’t just about choosing the right battery and motor; factors like boat load, water ...
The former accounts for the fun stuff, like PlayStations, jet skis, and Stratocaster guitars, while the latter could include wall grout, fungal foot powder, and motor oil. Motor oil is one of ...
Trolling on the internet looks and feels like a new phenomenon. Abuse can rain down on a target instantly and from everywhere, in quantities never before seen. But as David Rudrum’s engaging book on ...
Pole mounts are a good option for anglers that may not have a trolling motor — like kayak anglers. Or someone who prefers to put spot lock on or anchor up over a piece of structure. You can also rig ...
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including our top pick for a kayak trolling motor. The Terrova is a great trolling motor that comes with a wireless remote control that lets you run the motor without the foot control. Among many ...
If possible, turn and motor away from any hard structure, like a bridge. This tactic also applies to trophy striped bass, bull redfish, tarpon and other large bridge- and inlet-oriented gamefish. Many ...
‘Stench’ of Nazi appeasement hangs over Donald Trump Ukraine peace talks with Vladimir Putin, says Ben Wallace I've been to 3 Bavarian-style villages in the US. They're charming, but only one ...