After surgical removal of the prostate to treat prostate cancer, clinicians monitor prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels.
Traditionally, men who chose radiation therapy for prostate cancer undergo radiation for weeks or even months. But now, in certain cases, it can be completed in less than a week. Prostate cancer ...
Investigators found that some patients with high-risk nonmetastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer were understaged by ...
Lu rhPSMA-10.1 showed high tumor radiation with low healthy tissue exposure in a phase 1/2 trial for metastatic ...
After surgical removal of the prostate to treat prostate cancer, clinicians monitor Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) levels.
A cohort study of over 40,000 patients suggests that levels should be monitored for at least three months — longer than commonly practiced ...
SESAUA annual meeting featured a prostate cancer session and a presentation by Dr. Arjun Pon Avudaiappan discussing survival ...
Results from the company’s Phase I/II trial showed the injectable therapy to have an effective half-life of 91.4 hours.
All types of radiation become less intense as they travel further away from the radioactive material. This is because the particles or rays become more spread out. The thicker the substance ...
The gene expression signature PORTOS can determine which patients with localized prostate cancer will benefit ... PORTOS could be used to help guide radiation dose-escalation and de-escalation ...
Tiffany Howe had been living with progressively worsening lymphedema in her leg since birth. After researching several doctors and treatments, Tiffany underwent surgery at Johns Hopkins. Today she’s a ...