During a routine test, Johnny's middle school nurse discovered his severe scoliosis, a prevalent symptom of Marfan. This unexpectedly set his family on a path to uncover his underlying diagnosis at ...
Recent studies show that hyperactivation of mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) signaling plays a causal role in the development of thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection ... could mitigate AA ...
However, if you have a medical condition that affects your driving but don't voluntarily give up your licence, you must ...
However if you have a medical condition that affects your driving but don't voluntarily give up your licence, you must inform the DVLA, which will decide if you can continue holding a driving licence.
radboudumc.nl Background Women with Turner syndrome (TS) are at increased risk of aortic dissection, which is related to ascending aortic diameter. However, the relation between aortic diameter and ...
Aortic sclerosis has two important clinical implications. Firstly, aortic sclerosis is an antecedent to clinically significant aortic valve obstruction and, secondly, it acts as a marker of increased ...
If you have heart valve replacement surgery, you will be prescribed a blood thinner (a.k.a. an anticoagulant) upon discharge from the hospital. Long-term blood thinner medication guidelines differ ...