No one enjoys having mold in their home. Not only is it a health hazard, but it looks unsightly and will only become worse if it's left unaddressed. You may not know it, but air vents are a prime ...
MTA say mold development started in the first week of the 2023 - 2024 school year at Hobomock Elementary, but now have risen at all five schools in the district.
Sometimes only one person can smell an odor and it is making their life miserable. Some odors are a sign of danger and ...
In January, The Fayetteville Observer received an anonymous email with photos that showed apparent mold on vents, in a shower ... barracks because of inadequate air conditioning systems.
Since January, the Ocean County Health Department has inspected 597 restaurants, convenience stores and cafeterias.
Inspector observed raw chicken stored above pork in the walk-in cooler; the dishwasher was inoperable; and a missing tile exposing insulation directly over a working burner and around a vent.
The inspector recommended that the mop sink be moved farther from the three-bay sink, shelves be installed to air dry dishes and ... machine “has dark, spotty mold-like growth”; it lacked ...
We rounded up the best cleaning products on Amazon that are tested and approved by our Good Housekeeping Institute cleaning ...
According to the University of Miami’s Housing and Residential Life website, good cleaning practices can help prevent mold, such as keeping windows closed, keeping the bathroom doors closed and ...