A new update is coming to Mortal Kombat Mobile this month, and will see the additions of MK1 Geras and Klassic Skarlet.
Mortal Kombat 1 is reportedly not getting much support after the release of the T-1000 and Madam Bo, but the game doesn't deserve to die.
The T-1000 Terminator will arrive in Mortal Kombat 1 on March 25. Those with early access will be able to play as the character on March 18. Madame Bo will also be added to Mortal Kombat 1 as a ...
Now taking reservations for Madam Bo’s Tea House. Open for business soon. Check out the latest Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns teaser trailer for the fighting game to see Madam Bo in action.
Back when games starring anthropomorphic creatures were all the rage, there was a gecko named Gex who had an entire trilogy. In case you somehow missed it, this same trilogy is set to make a ...
A trilogy of Gex games appeared on the PSOne back in the 90s, before the character was abandoned by publisher Eidos Interactive and developer Crystal Dynamics. Fortunately, however, Limited Run ...
A new trailer for Gex Trilogy confirms that the game is planned to release this ... The first game, Gex, was a 2D platformer released on the PS1, Saturn, 3DO and PC and saw the titular gecko ...