Here at Hackaday HQ we’re no strangers to vintage game emulation ... There isn’t much the ESP 8-bit won’t do. It can emulate three popular consoles, complete with ROM selection menus ...
That massive collection of 50 original 8-bit games (“developed” by ... That’s something nearly impossible for a single game that’s part of a popular series in a well-established genre ...
This paved the way for what became known as the open world game genre, which is now one of the most popular genres. The amount of awards and praise Ocarina of Time won is unreal, arguably making ...
[Jonathan Cauldwell] has come up with just such a tool that lets you do just that, for a variety of 8-bit platforms. [Jonathan]’s project is called the Multi Platform Arcade Game Designer ...
In a bit of a surprise announcement this morning, the Angry Video Game Nerd has unveiled a brand-new game based on his iconic ...
Old-school YouTube icon James Rolfe, better known as the Angry Video Game Nerd, has announced his own 8-bit NES game is in ...
If you're eager for a reason to return to 8-Bit Adventures 2, you have one today in the free DLC post-game content. Or pre-order it on LRG until January 26th.