SB 818 contends that after the ban was implemented, “mountain lion depredation on livestock and attacks on humans dramatically escalated.” It specifically notes the lion attack last year that ...
However, there are several reasons that the mountain lion is the most dangerous animal you may encounter in Colorado.
Redwood National Park has an incredibly diverse array of wildlife. Among all the animals you can spot, there are two that you ...
That’s causing dangerous inbreeding and genetic-diversity declines, leaving some mountain lion populations vulnerable to extinction. In fact, some could disappear in just 15 years if inbreeding gets ...
A mountain lion spotted this week by far northwest valley residents did not want to leave the neighborhood and had to be put down. The 50 to 60-pound cat was euthanized, said a Nevada Department ...
prohibits the “addition of new or replacement dangerous animals without license amendment.” According to DEC records, the zoo never reported the death of the mountain lion to the DEC nor ...
Mountain lions could be pursued by “hazers” with dogs under a new California bill, introduced a day after similar legislation concerning bears.
That’s causing dangerous inbreeding and genetic-diversity declines, leaving some mountain lion populations vulnerable to extinction. In fact, some could disappear in just 15 years if inbreeding gets ...
The hazers could use dogs to chase the lion, without the intent of killing or injuring it. Such “nonlethal pursuit,” or hounding, is currently banned in California under a measure giving mountain ...