Pushpa 2 has made around Rs 100 crore just in Hindi in its third week. The total collection of the film so far in all languages is Rs 1122.54 crore now. 'Pushpa 2: The Rule' has set the box office ...
Local police in Chile found three watches from “John Wick” actor Keanu Reeves’ luxury watch collection believed to have been stolen during a break-in at his Los Angeles home in late 2023 ...
It's been two decades since the renowned artist-designer collaboration between Louis Vuitton and Takashi Murakami, a collection that blended the Japanese artist's expressive and playful motifs ...
The Museum of Modern Art acquired its first artworks in 1929, the year it was established. Today, MoMA’s evolving collection contains almost 200,000 works from around the world spanning the last 150 ...
This evolving display features a series of stories about the entangled global histories, vibrant traditions, and new innovations connected to the kola nut.