New York state’s top court has put an end to New York City’s effort to empower noncitizens to vote in municipal elections.
The Supreme Court has weighed in twice on President Donald Trump’s rapid-fire efforts to remake the federal government.
A New York State Supreme Court ruling in March lifted a pause on a 2022 law that capped New York lawmakers' outside income, ...
On Feb. 1, 2021, Section 202.20-f of the New York ... Supreme Court (22 NYCRR §202.20-f —Disclosure Disputes) went into effect adding new requirements before a civil action party could file ...
Justice Melissa Hart spoke on Monday about what aspiring law clerks should consider when applying to work at the Colorado Supreme Court, including the ability to be involved in more than just ...
The 5-to-4 decision is the latest setback for the agency and could have sweeping implications for curtailing water pollution ...
The New York state court system took steps last year to upgrade courtroom technology and court facilities, streamline ...
The Trump administration’s effort to have his case heard in Louisiana could let some of America’s most conservative judges ...
(AP Photo/Mariana Eliano, File) But on Monday, the Supreme Court vacated that ruling and ... Claude Cassirer, who ended up in New York after fleeing the Holocaust, retired in 1970 to La Mesa ...
The first day of early voting, two weeks before the April 1 election, is seen as a test of how energized each side’s voters ...
The Florida Supreme Court disbarred Malik Leigh on Thursday despite the referee filing a report recommending a 91-day suspension over the Palm Beach County attorney's alleged professional misconduct.
A divided Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected the Trump administration’s request to keep billions of dollars in foreign aid approved by Congress frozen.