One of the “side effects,” if you will, of the upcoming Nintendo Switch 2 Direct is that everyone is looking at each major ...
The Legend of Zelda fans just got some bad news ahead right at the end of the Nintendo Switch generation, and right before ...
Most recent release: The team most recently worked with partners on Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition and Alarmo.
For its part, Nintendo revealed a new Mario Kart during the Switch 2 announcement trailer. Digging up clues from that fleeting preview, fans reckon it might feature 24-player races, retro karts and ...
Some Nintendo analysts are now predicting a price point of $399 - $499 for the Nintendo Switch 2, according to a recent ...
The price of the Nintendo Switch 2 is one of the hottest topics within the video game industry. Analysts have told IGN they ...
Speaking to Bloomberg, game industry analysts have predicted that the Nintendo Switch 2 will enjoy the biggest console launch ...
We just heard that Nintendo has already shipped more than 300,000 Nintendo Switch 2 consoles to North America. While that's ...
Nintendo Switch 2 might be priced $499 with its games costing $70. Nevertheless, it's predicted to have the biggest launch in ...
A Nintendo Switch 2 'leak' has revealed the console could be releasing sooner than players think. Nintendo's president ...
Analysts believe that the Nintendo Switch 2 will be more expensive than the original with the price being closer to that of ...
In a report from Bloomberg News yesterday afternoon, it has been stated that Nintendo and its investors believe that the Switch 2 could be the biggest console ...