Alba Martinez, who grew up in Puerto Rico, is Philadelphia’s first Latina commerce director and one of the highest-ranking ...
Will Smith returned to his West Philadelphia neighborhood on Wednesday, where a jubilant crowd greeted him with a street ...
Will Smith has been given his street in West Philadelphia. On Wednesday, a city official presented the 2000 block of North 59th Street in Philadelphia's Overbrook section to Will Smith.
Four months into the program, residents have seen and felt inconsistency. Some said that the extra pickup day has made a ...
A record $5 million redevelopment grant will help a private school that blends Islamic teachings with a standard curriculum.
City officials passed a resolution for this on March 6, saying they are proud to honor a hometown superstar, like Will Smith. A special ceremony on Wednesday highlighted his career and his ...
From West Philadelphia born and raised...', to Hollywood and back, Will Smith has made his mark on this city. And now, legislators are making it official by naming the 2000 block of North 59th Street ...
The City of Philadelphia honored the Oscar and Grammy winner by renaming the 2000 block of North 59th Street "Will Smith Way.
Hollywood star Will Smith famously showed love to his hometown in the theme song of his show “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.” The love has since been ...
Actor Will Smith made an appearance in West Philadelphia on Wednesday as city and state leaders renamed the 2000 block of ...
Actor Will Smith made an appearance in West Philadelphia on Wednesday as city and state leaders renamed the 2000 block of ...