John Calipari was at a crossroads. Stay at Kentucky or go to Arkansas? He went to Las Vegas and got his answer from a ...
Seven leases for Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) offices across Kentucky are being canceled, according to the ...
Communities across the U.S. are in a competition for new residents. and Eastern Kentucky is finding traction. It is among six ...
Several lawsuits, including one filed in Georgia and another in Illinois, say the company that provides health care coverage ...
As the spring season ushers in the excitement of baseball, the Lexington Legends are momentarily shifting their focus from ...
A 65-year-old Kentucky man was arrested on Sunday after Mesquite police found almost 150 pounds of illegal marijuana buds ...
The Kentucky Attorney General and Public Service Commission filed a complaint with a federal regulatory panel over the issue.
WCHS ABC 8 provides local news, weather forecasts, traffic updates, notices of events and items of interest in the community, ...
Gov. Beshear said that disaster unemployment assistance is now available to folks in Leslie County who were affected by the ...
The Midstate Classic is back in Columbia after being canceled last season due to weather. Ahead of the games, here's ...
“Brood XIV is going to emerge across much of central and eastern Kentucky. Brood XIV is one of several different broods of ...
Hazel Green is a wide spot in the road, home to about 65 families. Like most small towns, it has seen better days. Now vacant buildings and empty lots line the main drag.