Trees provide lots of benefits to us and our environment, from capturing carbon to fueling ecosystems. We look at initiatives ...
The city of Hazel Park has been awarded “Tree City USA” status through the Arbor Day Foundation, a reflection of ongoing ...
As the city tries to conserve water to fight drought conditions, area nursery leaders are trying to explain how that’s a ...
Woe to the Callery pear, possibly the most unloved fruit-bearing tree this side of the Garden of Eden. Sales of this Asian native and its best-known cultivar, the Bradford pear, have been banned in ...
The National Trust is creating a ‘living library’ gene bank of trees in east Devon to help protect the black poplar.
The location of the 'living library' is along 3km (1.9 miles) of newly restored River Culm floodplain, which is the favoured ...
Whether trimmed for health, safety, or aesthetics, it is imperative to understand when to prune oak trees to keep them ...
The city of Tampa is launching a new program to restore its tree canopy, particularly in underserved communities.
South Hadley will expand its urban canopy over the next two years through the Environmental Justice Tree Planting Program, an ...
A National Trust team has planted 1,300 trees to restore a landscape devastated by a fungal disease. Parts of Ickworth Estate near Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk have been affected by ash dieback disease, ...
The Woodland Trust has led the project to sow 75,000 seeds of trees native to Atlantic temperate rainforest, including pedunculate oak, alder, wild cherry, downy birch and hazel, on the hills around ...
The city of Brockton can help you out with that. Brockton is giving out free trees to residents in partnership with the Wildlands Trust, a nonprofit organization that helps communities get grants to ...