Presence of active carious lesions affecting the occlusal or proximal surfaces of primary molars; 3. Extent of a carious lesion such that complete removal of caries would pose ... Preoperative ...
The CS 1600 is designed to identify potential caries in the earliest stages on both occlusal and smooth surfaces to help you provide more efficient and comfortable patient care. Use the CS 1600 to ...
For decades, fluoride has been at the center of public health debates, hailed by experts as a crucial tool in preventing tooth decay while also facing scrutiny from skeptics who question its safety.
Digital radiographs decrease the sensitivity to identify ... to the approximal region for a proper diagnosis of interproximal caries. [12] Hence, the aims of this study were to evaluate the ...
Currently, 1.1% - 6% of orthodontic treatment plans involve the extraction of a lower incisor [ 8 ]. The main indications for mandibular incisor extraction (MIE) include tooth size discrepancies, ...
Dentists usually recommend removing the wisdom teeth only if they are causing problems, such as pain, swelling, inflamed gums, or tooth decay. According to the National Health Service (NHS ...
The literature presents few studies that performed epidemiological surveys through radiographic examinations in children. With this, the information on the depth of caries lesion and periapical ...
Changes in Occlusal Caries Lesion Management in France from 2002 to 2012: A Persistent Gap between Evidence and Clinical Practice.
Kenza, K. , Ghina, N. and Farid, B. (2025) Malocclusion’s Risk Factors: A Systematic Review. Open Access Library Journal, 12, 1-15. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1113036 .