“I’ve stopped all government censorship and I’ve brought back free speech in America,” he declared from the dais. Then, mere moments later, to thunderous applause from the Republican chamber, he added ...
Putin often uses words to mean exactly the opposite of what they normally do – a practice diagnosed by political author George Orwell as ‘doublespeak,’ or the language of totalitarians.
The mainstream media’s acquiescence to the Orwellian doublespeak by the Trump administration ... I’m going to focus, however, on what may be George Orwell’s accidental savior today, "Animal ...
frighteningly resembles the mind-numbing omniscient rule of Big Brother in George Orwell’s “1984,” right down to the double-speak, shifting alliances, and omnipresent face on television.
I remember those halcyon days when Orwell's novel seemed like a fantastical ... Never has it been more important to identify doublespeak for ourselves. Buy it here. 'The Magician's Nephew' by ...
By Bill Kilpatrick On Oct. 19, 1945, four short years before the Russians blew up their first atomic bomb, George Orwell, ...
And he goes: ‘Oh, OK!’” Orwell has received some backlash over the years for comments about Jewish people in his book Down and Out in Paris and London. “Was he antisemitic?” Blair asked.