Blood tests showed elevated eosinophils, which can be a sign of a parasitic infection, among other things. They searched for ...
The rat lungworm is considered the greatest cause of eosinophilic meningitis, and is sustained primarily from "ingestion of ...
A WOMAN almost died after eating seafood contaminated with worms that burrowed in her brain. The 60-year-old turned up to ...
The number of cases reported last year nearly doubled while the true extent of infections, the spread of the highly ...
People are coming together to rally behind the family of a Pryor boy with a rare infection caused by a parasite called ...
The comedian Shappi Khorsandi once commented that she used the mythical concept of "sugar worms" to get her children to brush ...
A woman almost died after eating seafood contaminated with worms that burrowed in her brain. A woman almost died after eating ...
Snowy owl in Wisconsin died due to emaciation and intestinal parasites, not avian influenza, per DNR necropsy.
Though scientific trials into the drug do not show the results legislators promised, they described it Thursday as a ...
A 75-year-old woman, who has since recovered, didn’t have the gastrointestinal bleeding that usually accompanies the ...