The Allan government has been accused of engaging in “social engineering” through the creation of a “divisive” Rainbow ...
Victoria is set to debate Australia's strongest poker machine reforms this week, including mandatory carded play.
Newsnight's Victoria Derbyshire asked the awkward question following the Government's newly-announced benefit cuts.
The lack of childcare options is placing a significant barrier on young people who want to raise their family in regional ...
The Victorian Greens are calling on the Premier to front up to the community gathering on the steps of Parliament this afternoon calling for evidence-based bail laws.
Legislation to outlaw machetes has sailed through parliament, but the Allan government has struck down attempts to fast-track ...
The state government is being urged to fast-track pokies carded play, used at Crown Casino, to all of Victoria's poker ...
The controversial rollout of a LGBTQIA+ toolkit which instructs public library staff to ask young children whether they ...
The “toughest bail laws in Australia” are on track to be rolled out in Victoria after the state opposition confirmed it would ...
This episode reflects an extraordinary absence of curiosity within government about what Victoria Police have been doing ...
About 200 people have rallied on the steps of state parliament in protest against the government's contentious bail laws, ...
Victoria's tough new bail laws have been introduced into state parliament today, with the first stage coming into effect ...