Global warming has changed the migration habits of white storks in the Tigris Valley in Turkey’s southeastern city of Diyarbakir (Amed).Storks have always followed a migratory route through Africa, ...
Drastic shifts in animal behavior like the glass eels’ fluctuating migration patterns can often be attributed to significant ...
Levy, assistant professor in the Penn State Department of Geosciences in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, has ...
There’s a dire need for the global community to pay heed to the situation faced by women in Pakistan—especially those belonging to religious minorities ...
Malawi breaking news publishing 24 hours a day news about Malawi, Malawi Business, Malawi Tourism, Malawi Politics, Malawi ...
They say silence breeds contempt but the reticence of the Australian government about national security threats is more akin to the quote attributed to Dietrich Bonhoeffer when resisting Nazi Germany: ...
The UK population continues to grow, reaching an estimated 68.3 million in mid-2023, with international immigration now the ...
The progression of the species-jumping disease has been unprecedented, including the first-ever U.S. cases of infections in ...
GLO.ACT Women’s Network champions new UNODC research to advance evidence-based anti-trafficking responses <br /> ...
The UK population is set to grow by five million people in ten years, despite death rates being projected to overtake birth ...
From LNG to drilling in Alaska, here’s everything you need to know about Trump’s energy and climate executive orders ...