“The Brutalist” was crowned best film, drama, at the year’s first major showbiz awards gala on Sunday, putting it on course to be a major contender at the Academy Awards. It also picked up ...
Netflix fans will soon be able to enjoy a 'demented and unnerving' horror film on the streaming service soon. The movie Pearl - which is part of Ti West's X film series - premiered back in ...
Angelina Jolie was seen for the first time since finalizing her bitter divorce battle with ex Brad Pitt while attending the Palm Springs International Film Festival on Friday. The Maleficent ...
Energy expert Mohamed Madhi believes South Africa could see the return of load-shedding in 2025, even if Eskom sustained its improved performance. Eskom’s generation division unexpectedly ...
One of these is the load factor. This indicator measures the percentage of available seating capacity filled with passengers. It is released monthly by the International Air Transport Association.
would be another film camera. We think it's very unlikely that we'd see, say, a modern take on the Pentax K1000, but maybe enough 17 and K-3 III components could be combined to do so. Sadly ...