Barry Stein had ignored symptoms that started appearing in 1995. Now he's committed to helping people recognize the signs of ...
Researchers from The Institute of Cancer Research in London have developed a new test that can predict colorectal cancer risk ...
A new blood test was found to detect colon cancer with more than 80% accuracy — and to rule it out for 90% of healthy people.
Oral anticoagulant or antiplatelet medication use had no substantial effect on the accuracy of multitarget stool DNA testing for colorectal cancer, according to a study published in Gastro Hep ...
The digestive system comprises several organs, all working in concert to turn the food you eat into energy. But sometimes, illness or injury can lead to a digestive disease that threatens your ...
Colon cancer is steadily rising in cases, and while there are many symptoms a person can experience, one man only had one ...
The test was 81% accurate in detecting colon cancer among people with the disease It also was 90% accurate in ruling out ...
Discover why Exact Sciences, a leading oncology diagnostics company, may see growth in the cancer diagnostics market with its ...
More seriously, red stool can point to bleeding in the large intestine or rectum, which may be symptoms of disorders like ...
Rates of colon cancer have risen more than 20% since 1995 with people in their 30s and even their 20s being diagnosed with a ...
The NHS doesn’t offer bowel screening until we’re 50. Yet with cancer rates rising, it may be worth forking out for a private ...
assuring patients of colorectal cancer undergoing treatment at a Delhi hospital. Eight years ago, she was in their shoes and, therefore, can counsel them better. With age on her side, she thought her ...