A measure passed by the House to keep the government funded has until the end of Friday to pass the Senate and avert a ...
As Tax Day nears, fiscally conservative leaders in several states are pushing to abolish property taxes, with one ...
Greensboro: Did you get your water bill? Some bills weren't mailed & you could have missed paying on time.
The Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation announces a 50% reduction in late payment penalties for property tax defaulters under a ...
Following the announcement that East Ohio Regional Hospital will begin laying off staff in “ancillary services” on Friday, a ...
In New Jersey, property taxes come with a price tag that's significantly more than the rest of the country. See where the ...
Pennsylvania’s natural gas industry has created jobs and lowered energy costs for people across Pennsylvania, but do they pay ...
State agents sealed shut a Mexican restaurant located in Horton this week for failure to pay nearly $70,000 in unpaid taxes.
Lawmakers from Pennsylvania to Indiana and beyond are all seeking to eliminate property taxes, which some call the government's way of charging rent.
Billionaires have long found ways to minimize their tax burdens, using loopholes and financial strategies that allow them to ...
Texans who fall behind on their property taxes face one of the most punitive systems in the nation, where private collection ...