4 = mucopurulent sputum, 5 = purulent sputum. c Night-time awakenings evaluated on a 5-point scale: 0 = none, 1 = minimal, 2 = infrequent, 3 = frequent, 4 = numerous.
Needless to say, in a case with a purulent sputum persistently negative for tubercle bacilli, tuberculosis is undoubtedly not present. Other laboratory findings were of little help in diagnosis.
When bacterial titers exceed 1000 colony forming units per milliliter of mucus (cfu/mL), they are considered ... unless gross purulent discharge is visible through the sinus ostium and is ...
Routine bacterial cultures of the nose, throat, sputum and urine (quantitative ... 3), 20 of which involved the lower respiratory tract (purulent bronchitis and pneumonia). There were 4 cases ...
"Additionally, the sinuses produce fluid (mucus) that drains out of the narrow ... nasal obstruction, and thick or purulent nasal discharge when the paranasal sinuses are inflamed, whether due ...
36 Bode and colleagues described nine different cases of cattle in Germany, with each developing non-purulent encephalomyelitis ... accessible fluids and excrets (including salivia, nasal mucus, ...
Respiratory virus season has arrived, and hopefully you’re up to date on vaccinations that can help prevent infectious diseases including COVID, the flu, whooping cough, and respiratory ...
Expectorants are medications that help thin and loosen mucus, making it easier to cough it out of your lungs, airways, or throat. When you have a nagging cough or mucus buildup that just won't go ...
Sometimes, a cold, allergens, or bacteria can cause too much mucus to form. This mucus buildup can become thick and encourage bacteria and other germs to build up in your sinus cavity, eventually ...