In it together: Whereas traditional differentiation focuses on individual learners or small groups of learners, adaptive ...
By integrating multiple subjects in a cohesive project, teachers can empower students to think flexibly and persist through ...
A powerful Zsh environment setup with Oh My Posh themes, essential plugins, and advanced search capabilities. This repository provides scripts to automatically configure your terminal with modern ...
The event, themed "Ideas worth Spreading," witnessed thought-provoking talks on courage, resilience, innovation, and social responsibility, leaving the audience inspired and motivated. TEDx RGNUL ...
A simple Dockerfile for an Ubuntu development environment. Portable for use with classes and projects. Also useful as an experimental sandbox.
Still on the theme of plastic bags, we also have this news article from The Week Junior about the effects of plastic bags on animals in the ocean, with accompanying classroom activities ... times as ...
But things become easy now. If you would like to get additional themes for your Desktop or a PC, click the Browse themes button, next to the Get more themes from the Microsoft Store description.