Mariendorf: Am Montag, 10. Februar, findet um 15.30 Uhr in der Residenz „Rosenhof“ in der Kruckenbergstraße 1 ein Konzert des ...
Hand-washing a dirty plate, a woman gazes into a man's eyes as he dries. It looks like the 1950s. (George Marks/Getty Images) Column by Andrew Van Dam When folks ask us about household chores ...
Environment Canada's most recent winter weather warnings have several provinces and territories bracing for snow squalls, blizzards, extreme cold, heavy winds and rain. While Canadians prepare to take ...
At least the fever came on a Friday. Or at least that’s what I, an absolute fool, thought when my nine-month-old, Evan, spiked a 102-degree temperature after I picked him up from day care recently.
Deutschland hat sich gegenüber der EU verpflichtet, bis 2027 alle Gewässer in guten Zustand zu versetzen. Das erscheint nun unrealistischer als je, zeigt eine Bestandsaufnahme.
Before our last international vacation, my 7-year-old walked around our house wearing his carry-on backpack, testing it to ensure it wasn't too heavy for our long-haul trip. He navigated the ...
Die USA haben Sanktionen gegen iranische und russische Unternehmen wegen Wahleinmischung verhängt. In einer Erklärung des US-Finanzministeriums vom Dienstag hieß es, die Organisationen - eine ...
Das alte Jahr ist in der Ukraine und Russland mit erneuten Raketen- und Drohnenangriffen auf beiden Seiten zu Ende gegangen. Kiew teilte am Dienstag mit, die Ukraine sei das Ziel von 61 russischen ...
A husband questioned whether he was being irrational after claiming that his wife should compensate him for doing chores around the house. In his since-deleted post, the 30-year-old man admitted ...
Nach der mutmaßlichen Sabotage an einem Unterwasserkabel in der Ostsee hat die finnische Polizei nach eigenen Angaben Ermittlungen gegen sieben Matrosen des in Russland gestarteten Tankers ...
Does doing chores really help your child be more successful? Everywhere you look, people are writing about a Harvard Study that demonstrates that doing chores as a young child helps that child to ...
Due to the weather in many parts of the U.S., January's home maintenance tasks are often limited to indoor areas, as it’s usually more difficult to do outdoor projects like painting. Also ...