Men who avoided prostate cancer screening appointments were significantly more likely to die from the disease, according to ...
Men who avoided prostate cancer screening were significantly more likely to die from the disease, according to a large ...
Fusion biopsy and patient follow-up with 3D mapping are the cornerstone of a successful Focal Therapy program. In line with ...
In the study cohort, 2,310 patients died during a median follow-up of 6.3 years, and prostate cancer accounted for 454 (19.7% ...
Investigators found that some patients with high-risk nonmetastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer were understaged by ...
Prostate cancer remains one of the most commonly diagnosed cancersworldwide, with 1.4 million new cases and over 375,000 ...
A cohort study of over 40,000 patients suggests that levels should be monitored for at least three months — longer than commonly practiced ...
After surgical removal of the prostate to treat prostate cancer, clinicians monitor Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) levels.
After surgical removal of the prostate to treat prostate cancer, clinicians monitor Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) levels.
SESAUA annual meeting featured a prostate cancer session and a presentation by Dr. Arjun Pon Avudaiappan discussing survival ...