Blue zones, places home to an unusual number of centenarians, are looked to for their secrets to living healthier lives – but ...
What do the oldest people on Earth have in common? They’re probably lying. A researcher in England has identified a bureaucratic fatal flaw in the world’s “Blue Zones” — regions believed to be home to ...
The Island of Sardinia, identified as one of the five "blue zones" worldwide ... and social connectedness, the people of Sardinia have unlocked the secret to a long and vibrant life.
These are Okinawa, Japan; Loma Linda, California; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; and Ikaria, Greece. People living in these blue zones generally live longer, are happier and have lower rates ...
People from Ikaria, Greece, live about eight years longer than US citizens, on average, largely without dementia. While they ...
This island off the coast of Italy was the first blue zone identified ... With a close 1 to 1 ratio Sardinia hosts the highest of people 100 and older in the world. There are almost 10 times ...